This plan accomplished two critical tasks. First, building on the preliminary information of the Back to the River Master Plan, this study established specific alignment for an interconnected trail system. To accomplish this, our members and consultants, put “boots on the ground” for the 64 river miles of our BttR territory.
The final product was a detailed, specific trail alignment, for both sides of the river. Upon adoption, this Missouri River Trail System was incorporated into all major area trail plans, including the plans for both Omaha and Council Bluffs, the overarching METRO Trail Plan, MAPA’s bicycle plan and transportation plans for both Nebraska and Iowa.
This plan had a second purpose. The prior Back to the River Master Plan established the need for a physical element to connect the Nebraska and Iowa trails. This plan furthers this discussion. It offered several potential areas where a connection might be possible and recommended further study of crossing options to include detailed costs for construction, operations and management.
Project Partners: All Back to the River Partners, MAPA, National Park Service
Estimated Financial Support: Back to the River – $80,000
Estimated Total Project Cost: $80,000
Year: 1998